As BERC&Partners, we provide enterprises with the HR Accounting subscription service for the prompt implementation of HR accounting operations in full accordance with the requirements of the law. This service aims to ensure accurate, timely and efficient performance of all personnel accounting operations of the enterprise.
Within the framework of the HR Accounting subscription service, basic operations such as concluding, changing and terminating labor contracts with employees are performed promptly. This is important to ensure your company's HR records are compliant with legislative requirements and avoid any non-compliance or irregularities.
Our services also include employee vacations, business trips, calculation of benefits and other personnel transactions. These operations allow for correct and transparent management of all accounting processes related to the company's personnel. Our specialists perform personnel accounting operations in accordance with the specific needs of your enterprise and ensure that all operations are carried out in accordance with the law.
The subscription service simplifies the personnel management of the enterprise and creates added value related to the automation and optimization of this process. This helps the enterprise to manage its employee accounting operations more efficiently, accurately and in accordance with the law.
HR Accounting subscription service makes HR management processes of your enterprise more efficient and transparent. This service provides accurate records of employee data and guarantees that personnel operations are carried out in accordance with legislative requirements.