Preparation of job instructions

The service of preparation of job instructions helps to organize the activities of employees in a more efficient and appropriate way, optimizing the division of work of your enterprise.

We provide the service of preparation of job instructions for efficient organization of work processes in enterprises. Correct division of work, clearly defining the duties and responsibilities of each employee is important to increase the efficiency of work processes.

Within this service, our experts first analyze the workload of the enterprise. Based on this analysis, task instructions are prepared that will organize their activities in the most efficient way, taking into account the workload, powers and responsibilities of each employee. Job instructions allow employees to clearly and accurately define their daily activities, optimally distribute their workload, and make work processes more orderly and efficient.

The preparation of job instructions ensures the precise definition of the duties and responsibilities of employees, the elimination of any confusion in the division of work, and the improvement of the efficiency of work processes. These guidelines also support the strengthening of the company's internal control systems and better performance of employees.

The service of preparation of job instructions helps to organize the activities of employees more efficiently and according to the purpose, optimizing the division of work of your enterprise. This contributes to more orderly conduct of work processes, clarification of employee responsibilities and, as a result, to increase the overall productivity of the enterprise.

What will cooperation with us bring you?

Error detection

Detection of errors in accounting by analyzing personnel records

Account recovery

Restoring the account by eliminating the errors made in the account

Elimination of inconsistencies

To take measures to eliminate identified non-conformities without sanction


Consultation service on labor legislation in accordance with the requirements of the legislation

Identification of risks

Identification of risks related to errors that cannot be eliminated


Legislation-based and optimal solutions to your difficulties

As a result

Salary expenses

Salary costs - cooperation with consulting with a certain service fee in return

Risk insurance

To be insured against the risks related to personnel accounting

Office expenses related to employees

Opportunity to save on office expenses related to employees - rent, utilities, internet, and more

Professional escort

Professional expert accompaniment during inspections

Savings on mandatory fees

Savings on mandatory payments – mandatory payments by the entrepreneur in connection with the release of the number of employees, as well as insurance costs will be saved.

Don't forget!

In case of non-registration of employees, the following fines are applied according to the requirements of the legislation.

At the same time, the Tax Code, the Code of Administrative Offenses and the Criminal Code provide for many fines and sanctions, as well as criminal liability.

Our services on Personnel Accounting and Human Resources Management

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