This service allows obtaining important information at the initial stage to increase the efficiency of the enterprise, optimize management structures and achieve strategic goals.
Purpose of Initial Diagnostics
Initial diagnosis of the business management system serves the following purposes:
Problem Identification:
Detection of weaknesses and obstacles in the company's internal processes.
Efficacy Analysis:
Evaluation of personnel resources, financial flows and general performance indicators of operations.
Structural Conformity Assessment:
To determine the compatibility of the current management structure with the goals and strategies of the company.
The main stages of the service
Internal Data Collection:
Gathering basic information about the company's existing structure, processes, resources and management practices.
Analytical Analysis:
Detailed analysis of the current situation and problems of management processes based on internal data.
Assessment of Risks and Issues:
Identification of factors that can create a risk factor and hinder the development of the company.
Preparing a Short Written Summary:
Presentation of a general summary of the problems and their solutions based on the results of the analysis.
Benefits of diagnostic service
Timely detection of problems:
Potential problems are detected at the initial stage and plans are prepared for their solution.
Improvement of management processes:
By innovating the existing structure, more flexible and effective management is ensured.
Effective management of resources:
Recommendations are given for optimal use of human, financial and technological resources.
Decision support:
Company management is provided with a database to make more accurate and reasonable decisions.
Preparing a Written Summary
A short summary prepared after the initial diagnosis briefly and clearly describes the current state of the company. This summary mainly covers the following:
Description of problems:
Brief information about the detected vulnerabilities and deficiencies.
Recommendations for development:
Concrete proposals for solving existing problems and increasing the effectiveness of management.
Strategic foundations:
General ideas about strategic steps in line with long-term goals.