This service allows the organization to receive external support with special knowledge and skills on the project, increases effective coordination and transparency at all stages of the project.
Main Purposes of the Service
Combine the forces of internal and external partners in the project management process;
Ensure project implementation on time and on budget;
Strengthen communication and coordination between the project team and stakeholders;
Achieving project objectives with the highest quality.
Content of the Service
Strategic Project Planning
Joint determination of project goals and expectations;
Determination of key performance indicators and success criteria;
Planning resource needs and role allocation.
Defining Roles and Responsibilities
Clear division of roles between internal team and external support;
Agreement of obligations and responsibilities of each party;
Establishing mechanisms of mutual support during the execution of tasks.
Joint Management of the Project Implementation Process
Preparation of work plans for joint implementation of tasks and processes;
Provision of information exchange between the parties at each stage;
Establishing joint work mechanisms for prompt resolution of problems arising during the implementation of the project.
Project Performance Monitoring
Monitoring of each stage of the project and regularly presenting reports to the parties;
Determination of development areas and preparation of proposals in accordance with performance indicators;
Flexible redrafting of the project plan according to changes.
Project Completion and Evaluation
Joint assessment of project results;
Sharing the experiences learned from the project and providing development recommendations for future projects;
Implementation of thanks and motivation mechanisms of project teams.
Benefits of the Service
Achieving higher results by combining internal and external expertise;
Increasing transparency and coordination in the project process;
Allocation of resources and tasks more efficiently;
More effective risk management;
Project implementation on time and on budget.
With a shared management service, your organization can leverage the knowledge and experience of your internal team to achieve greater results. This approach supports the successful achievement of the project's strategic and operational goals.