Customs law services

With our customs law services, we support our clients to overcome the legal obstacles they may face in international trade activities and to carry out customs transactions safely within the law.

Customs law covers important issues such as regulation of foreign trade transactions, import and export of goods, calculation and payment of customs duties, as well as settlement of customs disputes. The correct resolution of legal issues in this area is important to minimize the risks that enterprises may face in international trade activities.

Within the framework of our customs law services, we provide our clients with services for performing customs procedures, preparing customs declarations, calculating and paying customs duties, legal support during customs inspections, and resolving customs disputes. Our experts ensure that all customs operations are carried out accurately and legally in accordance with customs legislation.

During customs inspections and disputes, our specialists represent our clients, protect their rights and try to resolve disputes in accordance with the law. Properly performing customs procedures and providing legal support help our clients conduct foreign trade transactions risk-free and efficiently.

With our customs law services, we support our clients to overcome the legal obstacles they may face in international trade activities and to carry out customs transactions safely within the law.

Providing legal advice in accordance with the legislation to resolve problems arising during import and export transactions before customs authorities and judicial authorities on the basis of international purchase and sale agreements;

Writing complaints and applications to relevant authorities about illegal actions of customs authorities;

Legal accompaniment of the client at the customs authorities;

Protection of the client's rights and interests in administrative bodies or judicial bodies on the basis of legislation against illegal refusal decisions or acts of customs authorities;

Services for registration of goods imported by the customer in the list of counterfeit products in the customs body, registration of goods containing objects of intellectual property rights in the customs body and protection of these rights.

Our legal services

Commercial law services

In the field of commercial law, our experts support our clients in the process of establishment of enterprises and preparation of legal documents, align their activities with legislative requirements and help to solve the legal difficulties they face.

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