Corporate legal services

In the field of corporate law, our experts support clients in the process of preparing constituent documents, establishing corporate structures and forming the legal framework.

Corporate law is an important area of law that covers matters related to the establishment, management, mergers and acquisitions, shareholder rights and corporate governance. Correct and timely resolution of legal issues in this area is important for the stable and successful operation of enterprises.

As part of our corporate legal services, we provide our clients with legal advice on establishing and forming the legal structure of enterprises, preparing and approving corporate documents, resolving legal issues related to shareholders and management, mergers and acquisitions (M&A), corporate dispute resolution and corporate governance. Our experts are at your side in solving any legal issue that our clients face in the field of corporate law.

In the field of corporate law, our experts support clients in the process of preparing constituent documents, establishing corporate structures and forming the legal framework. In addition, we provide legal support during mergers, acquisitions and other corporate transactions, ensuring that these processes are completed in accordance with the law and successfully.

During corporate disputes, our specialists provide legal support and advisory services to protect the rights of our clients and defend their interests. This helps to prevent potential legal risks in the activities of enterprises and ensure the correct implementation of corporate decisions.

With our corporate legal services, we provide professional solutions to the legal issues of our clients' enterprises and support them in conducting their corporate management processes efficiently and in accordance with the law.

Establishment of all types of legal entities with local and/or foreign investment, their branches or representative offices;

Reorganization of economic units, as well as changes in their specializations;

Making changes in the founding documents;

Preparation of internal corporate and constituent documents;

Submitting the prepared constituent documents to relevant institutions;

Preparation of documents for opening a bank account in the name of a legal entity and legal support of the client;

Implementation of procedures for the declaration of bankruptcy or liquidation of a legal entity in accordance with the law, preparation of documents, legal support of clients;

Auditing of the company's internal documents and assistance in preparing them according to the requirements of the legislation;

Providing assistance for the proper organization of the office;

Our legal services

Commercial law services

In the field of commercial law, our experts support our clients in the process of establishment of enterprises and preparation of legal documents, align their activities with legislative requirements and help to solve the legal difficulties they face.

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