Accompanying the implementation of the business merger, purchase and sale process, shareholder, company representation in negotiations with the parties, organization of other procedures and steps necessary for the sale, and mediation service in the sale

Business mergers, acquisitions, and sales (M&A) are processes that involve complex strategic, legal, and financial aspects.

Successful implementation of these operations is possible only with experienced support and coordination. The service provides protection of the interests of shareholders or the company, management of negotiations between parties, organization of sales procedures and mediation functions.

Main Purposes of the Service

  • Professional support for reaching an agreement between the parties in the M&A process;

  • Reducing legal, financial and operational risks;

  • Maximizing the value of the company and accelerating the sales process;

  • Protection of the interests of the shareholders or the company at every stage.

Content of the Service

  1. Process Planning and Management

    • Comprehensive planning of the sale, acquisition or merger process;

    • Analysis of the company's financial and operational situation and preparation of development plans;

    • Defining the sales strategy and searching for suitable buyers.

  2. Shareholder and Company Representation

    • Representing the interests of shareholders or the company in negotiations with the parties;

    • Preparation of proposals, contract terms and agreement elements;

    • Ensuring a balanced and transparent agreement between the parties.

  3. Legal and Financial Analysis

    • Refinement of contract terms from legal and financial point of view;

    • Tax compliance, verification of legal documents and possible risk mitigation;

    • Determining the company's value and building an optimal pricing strategy.

  4. Organization of the Sales Procedure

    • Preparation and approval of documents necessary for sale (Due Diligence);

    • Preparation of presentation materials for attracting investors;

    • Coordination of operations to regulate the sales process.

  5. Mediation Service

    • Establishing relations with buyers and obtaining preliminary agreements;

    • Creating a transparent and reliable environment between the parties;

    • Active mediation and support in closing the sale.

  6. Integration and Post-Sales Support

    • Post-operational integration planning and coordination;

    • Preparation of recommendations for the operation of the new structure in accordance with strategic goals.

Benefits of the Service

  • Perfect management of merger, acquisition or sale processes;

  • Professional protection of shareholder or company interests;

  • Obtaining optimal sales conditions by increasing the value of the company;

  • Ensuring a quick and effective agreement with the mediation service.

This service provides comprehensive support in M&A processes, ensuring that companies achieve their strategic goals and successfully implement mutual agreements.

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