Accompanying the external audit of financial statements

During the external audit of the financial statements of the enterprises we serve, we perform the control function of submitting the required accounting documents and the overall process.

As BERC&Partners, we provide full support in the process of checking the financial statements of the companies we serve by an external audit. We monitor the correct and timely submission of all accounting documents required for the successful completion of this process. At the same time, we perform the general control function throughout the audit process and ensure the effective and smooth implementation of the audit.

Our goal is to maintain maximum accuracy and transparency in the external audit process of enterprises, and at the same time ensure that the audit results are as useful as possible. The BERC&Partners team is professional in the preparation and submission of accounting documents required for the audit, thereby contributing to the quick and efficient conduct of the audit process.

This approach helps our businesses get the most out of audit results and manage their financial activities more transparently and reliably. At BERC&Partners, we consider it our top priority to be with our clients every step of the way and to support them at the highest level.

Our financial and accounting services

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