Audit and other control-inspection services

We are always at your side to ensure that our clients' financial and operational activities are conducted within the law with our audit and other control services.

At BERC&Partners, we provide professional services in the field of audit and other control services. These services are performed in order to ensure compliance of financial and operational activities of enterprises with legislation and internal regulations, identify existing risks and increase efficiency.

As part of our audit and control services, we provide our clients with financial audit, internal audit, tax audit, operational audit, compliance audit and other control activities. Our experts identify gaps, financial risks and inconsistencies in enterprises and provide recommendations for solving these problems.

These services are essential to increase the financial transparency of the enterprise, strengthen internal control systems and ensure compliance with legislation. Audits and inspections carried out by our experts help to make the company's activities more effective and risk-free.

Our audit and other control services

Financial-accounting forensics

The financial-accounting forensics(investigation) is conducted by a specialized team of experts, including financiers, accountants, auditors, legal advisors, and attorneys, alongside domain-specific and academic experts pertinent to the field under investigation.

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